Blogging Tips

Using the Trophy Pigeon Method

Trophy PigeonThis post follows on from my post yesterday about ways to make your blog more popular. There is a recently released product which I bought myself called the Trophy Pigeon method.

It’s being sold on the Warrior Forum and you can download it from here. Its concept shows how to get 10,000 or more visitors to your website within 7-10 days of implementing it.


Yep me too, that’s why I decided to buy it and see what it was all about.

So I opened up the 29 page pdf report, skimmed over the first few pages until it then said how the traffic was generated. At first I said to myself ‘you’re kidding, I’ve known about that for years’ and I was thinking it might just be rehashed garbage that you get a LOT of on the Warrior Forum. It’s one of the methods I mentioned in yesterdays post.

Nevertheless I carried on reading and things started to get interesting. You see, I have used this method myself in the way that everyone else uses it.

But this was different.

The way that Chris (the creator of the method) uses the Trophy Pigeon method is totally different.

Warning – It involves putting more effort in than the standard way of doing it.

But that’s a good thing because most people will put the method to one side and look for something easier.

The Trophy Pigeon method is all about certain types of blog posts. But they are done to get hundreds of other sites linking to them. Not only does it benefit for getting great link juice but the traffic you can receive can easily be as Chris describes.

He often gets up to 100,000 unique visitors within 48 hours of launching this method.

Can you imagine what that traffic can do for your own websites?

So I will be using the Trophy Pigeon method myself and I will report my results here on this blog. If you haven’t grabbed it yourself yet, then I highly recommend you do. You can get it from here.

Tony Newton


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